As we find ourselves in the middle of the stormy summer months here in Ontario and many other spots around the country, Here is some important information on golf and lightning. We cannot stress this enough. Lightning and golf do not mix! Taking a chance and hitting a few more shots or going one more hole culd prove deadly.
Be over cautious! Did you know that lightning often strikes outside of heavy rain, and may occur as far as 10 miles away from any rainfall? This and other lighting facts can be found below and are important to know for any golfer.
Some facts you might not know about lightning:
So, what do you do to prepare yourself for golf in these stormy summer months? Be sure to follow these suggestions to keep yourself safe while heading out on the links this summer.
Check the forecast and check it often. Seems simple enough but its no longer surprising when golfers are seemingly out of touch with what the daily forecast says. With all of us having a mobile device nearby at all times, it should be a given that everyone has some sort of reliable weather app on their phone. Make sure that the app has the ability to set alerts on things such as lightning, severe thunderstorms, and even tornadoes.
Download a reliable radar app. Having a reliable radar with you at all times, equipped with a lighting detection/prediction mode, should be something everyone should have on their phones. Most of these types of apps have a radius of 10 miles (some more, some less) from your current location that is outlined on the radar. This is so you can tell how close the approaching storm, or more importantly, the last lightning strike was. Remember, the rain won't kill you, but the lightning could so don't focus on the radar as much as the lightning strikes. Have your own "personal radius" for when the bolts get too close. Ten miles is ideal just to be safe.
Check the courses policy on lightning and if they have a lightning detection/prediction system. Many golf courses are now equipped with a lightning detection system that sets off a horn when lightning gets within a certain set distance from the course. Others have both a detection and prediction system. The difference? Detection tells you how far the last strike was and a prediction system, reads atmospheric conditions, such as the build-up of electricity in the area, to predict when and where lightning will strike. Pretty cool technology. Check with the golf staff on what the policies are concerning lightning and their particular system.
Seek Shelter Immediately. Scout out the locations for shelter on the golf course prior to your round. Know where to go beforehand because time could be of the essence in finding a safe place. If you are caught on the course and there is no shelter near, consider the following tips:
The following is helpful information for you to consider from the National Weather Service:
"If a substantial building is not available, enclosed motor vehicles can provide shelter as long as patrons do not touch the metal framework during the thunderstorm (golf carts are not safe vehicles). No place outside is safe if lightning is in the vicinity. Partially enclosed shelters are not safe. If no safe shelter is available ... stay away from the tallest objects (trees, light poles, flag poles), metal objects (fences or golf clubs), standing pools of water, and fields."
Stay safe this summer, and remember, golf, no matter how great of a game it is just a game and not worth risking your life.
HYDRATION is extremely important when engaged in any activity or sport
How much water should you drink everyday?
Your fluid intake is probably adequate if:
Signs of Dehydration:
What's Dehyration & why is it a serious concern?
Dehydration occurs when you use or lose more fluid than you take in, and your body doesn't have enough water and other fluids to carry out its normal functions. If you don't replace lost fluids, you will get dehydrated.
For Breakfast, eggs, bacon, breakfast potatoes, toast, fruit and oatmeal are all common options
During rounds, protein powders mixed with water, bags of mixed nuts, various nutrition bars, bananas and good old fashioned peanut butter & jelly sandwiches